داستان آبیدیک

معرفی ـ معرفی کردن



1 Law:: vt present, ~ing, ~ation, ~ment; designate, -ing, -ion; introduce, -ing, -tion; initiate (-ing, -ion) : to induct into membership by or as if by special rites; denounce : to inform against : accuse – معرفي كردن خود به‌جاي ديگري ie خود را به‌جاي ديگري جا زدن يا نشان‌دادن (that is an act amounting to اختيار سمت مجعول) impersonation : False impersonation is representing oneself to be a public officer or employee or a person licensed to practice or engage in any profession or vocation for which a license is required by state law with knowledge that such representation is false. The act of pretending or representing oneself to be another, commonly a crime if the other is a public official or police officer. HCB ● personate : To assume the person (character) of another, without his consent or knowledge, in order to deceive others, and, in such feigned character, to fraudulently do some act or gain some advantage, to the harm of prejudice of the person counterfeited. To pass one’s self off as another having a certain identity. HCB. Personation [is] pretending to be some other particular person. Personation to obtain property is felony under the False Personation Act, 1874 … JBS

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